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Planning Board Minutes 7/9/15
Planning Board meeting minutes for July 9, 2015

The meeting opened at 7 p.m.

Members present: Larry Klein, Alan Salamon, Tom Sawyer, Maggie Leonard, co-chair.

Members absent: Stephen Enoch, Pat Salomon, and Roger Tryon.

Public present: Patrick McColgan of Taconic Land Consultants.

Surveyor Patrick McColgan of Taconic Land Consultants presented the board with a Form A survey for the Parker property at 715 Main Rd. (The corner of Route 23 and Mount Hunger Road.) The plan shows a total of 98 acres divided into 4 lots: lot 1 has 3.4 acres and 500+/- feet of road frontage; lot 2 has 20 acres and 419 feet of road frontage; lot 3 has 63 acres and 412 feet of road frontage; and lot 4 has 10 acres and no road frontage. It is noted on the plan that lot 4 is not a separate building lot and is to be conveyed to an abutter with road frontage on Mount Hunger Road.

Salamon questioned approving a lot with no road frontage and requested that McColgan provide additional information about the legality of creating such a lot. McColgan agreed and said that he would forward examples where the Monterey Planning Board has previously approved such a lot and also provide case law to make it clear that lot 4 is a legal lot. McColgan asked if he could stop by the Town Hall on Tuesday to pick up the plan and Leonard replied that, if after receiving the information board members were willing to sign the plan, then Tuesday would work. Leonard said that just in case there were any questions she would post a meeting for Tuesday at 6 p.m.

The board agreed to put a reminder in the Monterey News regarding the proliferation of temporary signs in Monterey.

Klein requested that the board research municipalities with camp noise ordinances.

Neither Klein nor Tryon will be at the July 23 Planning Board meeting. Leonard said that she would email the Building Commissioner and let him know that we still need to find a date to meet with as many board members as possible.

The board adjourned at 9 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair